So as none of you really know I have been working quite steadily on one particular photo art project for oh.. about five+ years now. Seriously I have been working on this one for over half of my photographic career and I am now just getting around to talking out loud about it.  :) The Project (which I have been calling The Alley Project) is a collection of photos that I have mostly taken in Alleys though-out the lower mainland & in Alberta city’s like Calgary & Edmonton, although there are many photos from all over. Places like Montreal, Ottawa, Regina, Jasper, & Banff, You know basically anywhere that I have been in the last 10 years.

I have no real stats on the extent of this project, but I can say that in this 5+ years of shooting I have taken nearly 10,000 photos that have made the short list.  Now no one has really seen the fruits of this labour including me. So starting from the beginning and working foreword I am going to sort though my massive catalog and try to narrow that 10,000 down to a far more reasonable number. My original intent was to collect images for a book or something like that. Right now I am going to just see what I have and then decide what to do with them & as I find them I will share them :)

Want to follow along with The Alley Project? I have created a new Category

Some photos from downtown Vancouver.

2 thoughts on “The Alley Project

  1. Oh wow finally alley project photos! I hope my winter hours spent tagging things helps :P
    Super excited to see more :)

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