A couple weeks ago Doogie, my trusty Leica M-D, and I set out for yet another photowandering adventure, this time I was testing out some more withe the Light Lens Lab 50mm lens.
The day started with a ride on the Seabus over to Waterfront, where I wandered for a while, camera in hand, soaking in all that Gastown and the area had to offer. It was a quieter day out and about so I could really capture these wonderfull moments. Photos from that part of the walk are still on the way (stay tuned).

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”
Before that, though, I spent some time inside the Lonsdale Quay public market early in the morning, before the usual hustle and bustle kicked in. I loved being able to just wandering through spaces like that before they’re alive with people—rows of empty tables, glowing neon, and reflections of early light made for some near perfect moments.

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”
I also brought along my Polaroid camera for a few frames. I am very guilty for forgetting to bring it along, or more truthfully to bring it out of the bag when I do. The chilly fall weather wasn’t on my side though and the cold made the film under develop with a blue cast. I do wish you could capture the frame but leave it in the camera until you are home and warmed up before spitting it out. The old polaroid Land cameras were great for this. I would often capture a frame out in the cold cold world and then just leave it there until I got home. Which also ment that I would often forget and inadvertianly do a long game multiple exposure. :)
The film pack also kept jamming and spitting out two frames at a time. Not exactly the smoothest Polaroid session, but each Frame only cost like 3 dollars soo… Yeah :) Charming chaos at its best (or worst, depending on your wallet and your patience).

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”
One of my favourite parts of these walks is adding to my ongoing “Picking On Complete Strangers” project. Street photography has always been a mix of being constantly at the ready and complete patience. I love the fleeting moments, and the little slices of others lives that would otherwise go unnoticed. I love that there is a certain kind of honesty to street photos that keeps me adding to this large, large, collection. For me It’s about capturing people just as they are, without pretence or staging, all while trying to keep them anonymous so you the viewer can imbue the photo with what ever feeling it invokes for you.

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”

Camera: Leica M-D (typ 262)
Lens: Light Lens Lab 50mm f/1.2 ASPH “1966”
All in all, it was a morning of experimentation, quiet observation, and a bit of trial and error with the Polaroid. Sometimes, that’s exactly the kind of day you get and I am happy to take it :)