I have a lot of shit with me. Always. When I get in I empty the pockets and start sticking things places. Cup holders, centre console, dash, instrument panel. Heck I think that I had fully perfected the stuff a camera, wallet and cell phone into the instrument panel of ye’ ol’ Xterra. I will admit I never had a clue how fast I was going or what RPM I was at, or how much fuel I had because that was a storage box for me. In fact my LeicaM-D would fit wonderfully there.
Now I haven’t worked out where everything goes when I get in the Jeep but I am working on it and this 2 min mod should help me a tonne with that.

Install (if you can even call it that) was super slick.
I cleaned the dash with rubbing alcohol and as it was evaporating, I began pulling off all the backing on the 3M Sticky bits. Now as a guitar player I always have short fingernails so those ‘peel the backing off’ fiddly bits are super hard for me. Then all that was left was to line it all up and slap it down. I did test fit it before committing with the 3M sticky bits and I have to say it is an OK fit. I wouldn’t complain about the small gap here and there but if it was much more than the 17.99USD that I paid for it I sure would. I haven’t driven with anything in it yet but I imagine it needs some of that Anti Slip Mat stuff cut to size to keep it whatever your stick in it from sloshing about.